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Angular Starter with API Integration


Angular Starter Project with API Integration

This repository contains a starter template for building Angular applications. The template provides a basic structure for building scalable, modular, and maintainable applications. It uses Angular 15 and follows best practices to provide a starting point for your projects. It's uses api endpoints from this project .NET Starter Clean Architecture.

Getting Started

To get started with the template, you need to clone the repository from GitHub and install the required dependencies. You will need Node.js and npm installed on your system. Run the following commands to install the dependencies and start the application:

cd Angular-Starter
npm install
npm start

Once the application is up and running, you can start customizing it to fit your requirements.

Architecture Overview

The architecture of this template follows the Angular recommended best practices. The application is divided into different modules and components, each with a specific responsibility. The architecture follows a modular approach, which makes it easier to maintain and scale the application.

The template contains the following modules:

  • Core Module: This module contains services, guards, and interceptors that are used throughout the application.

  • Shared Module: This module contains components, directives, and pipes that are shared across the application.

  • Pages Modules: These modules contain components, services, and other related functionality for specific features of the application.

Technologies Used

The template uses the following technologies:

  • Angular 15: This is the framework used to build the application.

  • TypeScript: This is used to write type-safe code in the application.

  • RxJS: This is used for reactive programming in the application.

  • Angular Material: This is used for building UI components in the application.

  • TailwindCSS: This is used for styling.


The template provides the following functionality:

  • Routing and Navigation
  • Lazy Loading Modules
  • HTTP Requests and Error Handling
  • Authentication and Authorization with JWT
  • Internationalization and Localization
  • Reusable Form Components
  • Toast Notifications
  • Theme Switching
  • Angular Matarial
  • TailwindCSS
  • Sidebar, Navbar, Login, Register
  • Code Quality Tools (TSLint, Prettier)
  • Unit Testing (Karma, Jasmine)


Contributions to the project are welcome. If you find a bug or want to suggest an improvement, you can create an issue or submit a pull request.


The project is licensed under the MIT license.



This starter template is designed to provide a starting point for building Angular applications. It follows best practices and provides a solid foundation for building scalable and maintainable applications. However, it is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and you may need to customize it to fit your specific requirements